ReclaimIT is a Swedish software-as-a-service (SaaS) company, with a system handling all aspects of returns, services and guarantees for online and offline retailers. The company has an established business handling around 25% of all returns, services and guarantees in the Nordic consumer electronics business.
ReclaimIt’s SaaS-system delivers significant savings by automating and simplifying a complex workflow involving many points of interaction between the customer, the retailer and third parties (like freight companies, product suppliers, repair shops, insurance companies, etc) as well as multiple information exchanges between internal and external systems. While the smooth and transparent processing with ReclaimIt is highly appreciated by the consumer, delivering such positive experiences help the retailer to build stronger relationships with their customers and creates new opportunities to do more business.
Returns are a particular challenge for online retailers where return rates in certain categories are very high, while the typical online businesses are growing fast without perfectly streamlined processes.
Spintop has invested in ReclaimIt to support the company to expand outside of the consumer electronics sector, with a particular focus on online retail, and start to build an international business with the consumer electronics sector as a natural point of entry.