Sustainability in Spintop´s investment process

Investing sustainably is our responsibility as a technology venture capital fund. By investing in companies that are in line with our sustainability strategy, actively working for transparency and continuous improvement we contribute to a sustainable future.

We have integrated sustainability-related matters as a permanent part of our assessment and due diligence process. All companies that go through our due diligence process must file our ESG questionnaire covering topics from all our selected SDGs, in addition to other sustainability topics.. These questions address the areas of governance, environmental matters, social aspects, and prosperity for their specific company. We are continuously working on adding more granularity to these indicators to improve our measurements and impact. We also track the latest research and monitor regulatory changes.

This approach allows us to hit the ground running when we invest in the company, because we are already familiar with their specific sustainability opportunities and challenges. Once invested, we actively work with the management team and the board to improving on sustainability matters, in

In our investment process we also consider the principal adverse impacts on sustainability These factors are addressed based on their type and materiality. Currently we are tracking the following adverse impact indicators:

  • CO2 emissions
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Employee wellbeing
  • Governance standards

Because of our adverse sustainability impact considerations, some of our company screenings result in exclusions. Businesses relating to gambling, weapons technology and narcotics substances are excluded altogether. Companies contributing directly or indirectly to climate change, pollution, biodiversity damage, human rights violation, corruption or unsatisfactory labor rights are not eligible to become a Spintop investment.

Spintop’s remuneration policy is characterized by sound and effective risk management, ensuring that the structure of renumeration does not encourage excessive risk-taking with respect to sustainability risks.